Day 2 of the Nordic Business Forum 2018 started off with Steven Kotler’s VIP presentation. I was having multiple micro flow moments during the day as I did the sketchnotes on both his and the other speakers’ presentations. The keywords for this second day could be these: OPPORTUNITIES, EQUALITY, DIVERSITY.

What could be heard in today’s presentations was the talk about the the equal opportunities that the constantly developing technology is bringing us. Technology also brings us equality among with functional democracy where everybody’s voice can be heard. E.g. with blockchain technology we can make our elections avoid misconduct in the future. When it comes to diversity, especially president Obama was talking about the status of the minorities and the challenges that e.g. girls and women meet. Diversity was also discussed by Niklas Zennström.

All in all Nordic Business Forum met the expectations this year pretty well: they sure are like a business conference but better.


One is missing. Sorry about that.


Linda Saukko-Rauta

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