Torstai, 9.4.2020

Remote graphic recording boosts up virtual workshops and webinars

Read this article in Finnish

Linda the live illustrator says hi! Things have been busy here at the home office as I’ve been testing out various technical solutions to provide remote graphic recording in the changed environment. All my real-time graphic recording gigs were of course cancelled this spring but not to worry; I keep on doing real-time work – remotely.

Graphic recording has been online for some time – and now we have you there, too

I’ve been offering remote sketchnoting or graphic recording for a couple of years already. So far it has been mainly two types of events that I’ve covered: both events that have been broadcasted via live-stream and events that are being organized totally online, such as webinars. Now that we have all the events online, I figured what are the options to set up my work so that it supports the event the best possible way.

This is what I came up with:

Three ways to set up online remote graphic recording

  1. We have a speaker with a PowerPoint deck and participants are following the presentation. The sketchnoter works on her own and shares the drawing at the end of the webinar e.g. during Q&A session so that the people attending can see and comment on the final adjustments.
  2. Real-time illustration is a way to work on common understanding. The process is shown real-time all the time on the big screen. There’s a lively discussion with a lot of comments but the graphic recorder is able to capture the essential into the picture and works on the drawing as people keep discussing the topic. Graphic recording supports the discussion in a great way.
  3. The third way to use remote graphic recording offers the participants a chance to follow also the graphic recorder’s work during the presentation even though the speaker’s PowerPoint presentation is in the main picture. How it is done? The graphic recorder uses the iPad as a webcam. So instead of the graphic recorder’s face, the attendees can follow up the iPad screen real-time. The participants are able to “pin” the graphic recorder’s webcam (i.e. the iPad screen) so that they can follow the workflow.

The tool used in the third option is Zoom. Options 1 and 2 work with Teams, too.

What does remote graphic recording cost?

An hour-long webinar……….  700 e (+ VAT)

Half a day ……………………….. 1200 e (+ VAT)

A whole day ……………… 1700 e (+ VAT)

Online strategy workshops have a price list of their own.

Half a day is e.g. from 9:00 to 12:00.

A whole day is e.g. from 9:00 to 16:00.

The client gets the right to use the illustrations.

The illustrations will be shared to the client via Dropbox as jpg images and pdf files (300 dpi).


I hope this opened up the possibilities that remote graphic recording offers. If you’re interested or have any questions, please contact me. And if you’re not in a need for graphic recording, I work on illustrations and cartoon videos on demand together with my employee Réka.

Written by


Graphic Recorder & Sketchnoter from Finland



Linda Saukko-Rauta

Livekuvittaja ja yrittäjä

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