All geared up and on my way to do digital sketchnoting in a fairly large conference for a couple of next days. I’ve got a regular real-time sketchnoting gig tool set with me:

2x iPad Pro tablets (when the battery dies in the first one, I just change into another one. Thanks to Adobe Creative Cloud my work is all synced throughout the day. Hopefully. Maybe. Usually. Fingers crossed.)

2x Apple Pencils (in case I swallow the other one or its cap by accident. The missing cap would distract me so it’s surely good to have a replacement pen.)

2x HDMI adapters (one that is brand new and another one that is probably broken and I just like to carry it around and find out if it’s broken or not in an actual drawing situation)

1x VGA adapter (if everything all fails, this works. It’s like cockroaches after a nuclear disaster. First I make the techies weep like babies by bringing in my iPad that has 4:3 aspect ratio that cannot be changed. Then I hit the HDMI adapter on the table and make them cry some more. Finally I let them off the hook by showing the good old VGA adapter.)

1x Apple TV (my favourite thingie nowadays to be connected to a projector – no need to worry about cables so I get to toss my iPad around freely.)

And of course I carry a portable extra battery and a battery charger with me. I’ve pimped up my charger by changing the chord into a longer one. That gives me more flexibility in the real-time sketchnoting situation.

How does your tool set look like?


Linda Saukko-Rauta

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